Angular – the complete guide for beginner

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The brand development process plays a critical part of the marketing and success of a company. I want to show you not only what successful brand design looks like but also how to brainstorm these concepts and ideas to finally turn that spark of an idea into a fully finished project ready for the client presentation, your portfolio and the world.

This class gently guides you through this process with a practical real world branding project using a case study for a sushi restaurant and delivery service. I created this course so you can start to offer branding packages to land bigger higher paying clients and propel yourself to the next level in your design career.

This course gives you the tools to know how to spark creativity, ideas, concepts and put them into motion. We go over several tools to help prevent creators block and to make it easy to come up with ideas that are relevant, authentic and meaningful.

Looking at blank pages never have to be scary again. You will feel confident filling those pages with finished polished content that will wow your potential clients.

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